
Life with Jesus is an Adventure!

At Connect Life Church, we value what God values. When confronted with their lack of understanding, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16

Life with Jesus is an Adventure, and we want our children to know that no matter what they face in this world, the Holy Spirit is with them to lead and guide them to Jesus and the teachings found in his Word. Our AdventureKIDS team puts tremendous effort into creating fun and engaging bible-based lessons for your children to enjoy during our weekly gatherings.

Service begins at 10:15 a.m. as we all gather together in the auditorium for a time of praise and worship. (Nursery is provided throughout the service for children 2 and under.) Afterwards and during connect time, the children are escorted by their teacher to the AdventureKIDS classroom for a time of dedicated learning, snacks, and free play while the adults receive the message in “big church”.

We provide a safe and easy check-in/check-out process to ensure your child’s safety while in our care as well as a place to note any allergies or important information. If you are interested in learning more about AdventureKIDS at Connect Life Church, please submit the form below and someone will reach out to you.